Mary-kate VS. Ashley


Wow! You know.. that is just unreal. They look completely different, and I totally see how the iPhone 6 is not aesthetically pleasing, it would slip out of your hand, and has sharp edges. Now, when I look at the iPhone 6s..that is a masterpiece. It is so cutting edge, and just..innovative! Apple does it again.

As a marketing grad (I can say that now), this is purely good outstanding, and raise deserving marketing. I’ll be honest, there are some upgrades, like always. We’ve got a better camera, and some better speeds, but let’s be real..they could put an EVEN BETTER camera and make speeds even faster. It’s all a game! The marketing game. they made some features bigger and better, oh but let’s not forget the 3D touch (that is super cool though). HOWEVER, not only does the phone look essentially the same, it is heavier, thicker, and the battery life is WORSE…YES, I said worse. I’m sorry, but Apple is moving backwards, and they beat their iPhone 6 launch weekend.  In the article, you will notice that it speaks of the adoption rate of the “S” series of phones Apple produces. Historically, the “S” series are adopted at a lower rate than the 5 or 6 series. Why is that? How is it that Apple might be the best unintentional (or maybe intentional) marketing company in the world, and their “S” series phones have a lower adoption rate than non “S” series? Is this calculated by Apple?

When you think about it, it’s genius. Apple really only needs to come out with non “S” series phones (i.e.: iphone, iphone 4, iphone 5, iphone 6 etc.) BUT they probably sat around an itable (I promise you I had an idea like that throughout my education), and someone from the marketing department, naturally, said, “hey, to make more money…we should introduce the number series that we have planned, but in-between each of those we should introduce an “S” series model, make the target market believe that it has some serious additional benefits, and increase sales! In reality, the logistics, and production of the phones will be almost the same, causing very little engineering and increased manufacturing costs to us! Oh, and the “S” will signify “suckers” as in, we got you again suckers!”.

On the flip side, it could be that Apple’s target market has caught on to the “S” series pattern, and have decided to wait for the iphone 7, which will hopefully have a battery life that progresses as opposed to regresses.

The point is, Apple is beyond wonderful at marketing. This product is not groundbreaking or even totally innovative, but Apple has still found a way to emotionally and rationally appeal to their audience to break the launch sales for the iphone 6s. In totality, Apple and their products and services, are extremely innovative, and have given to the world, some very groundbreaking technologies.


Thanks, Apple!


P.S.- if you have a second please check out the blog post just prior to this one for my GoFundMe page              (who knew school could be so expensive?)



Smith, C. (2015, October 2). IPhone 6s adoption seen as lower than the iPhone 6 – but what does that really mean? Retrieved January 28, 2016, from

[Iphone 6 vs. iphone 6s comparison]. (2015, September/October). Retrieved January 28, 2016, from